Monday, March 2, 2009

chicken with saffron rice and chipotle beans

i feel so whole now that i have a spice rack.  i feel like i can actually cook stuff.  before i only had salt and pepper in the kitchen (there was even a time when i didn't have either of those!  gasp!) so having spices opens up a whole new world to me.

we got these really cool heirloom beans from cayuga pure organics that gary kept encouraging me to cook.  i was kind of intimidated because i've never made beans before but they came with a useful little "how to cook beans" card that made me feel at ease.  i had no idea what to do with them but ultimately decided to make saffron rice and beans (quite a feat - since i'd never made rice before either!) with some spice-rubbed chicken.

i made a single base for my chicken and beans - with slight modifications to each.  the base consisted of paprika, cumin, oregano, garlic, salt, and pepper.  i added chipotle to the beans and cayenne to the chicken, just for some variety.

to make the beans, i brought some water up to a boil and added the beans, let it boil for 2-3 mins.  i turned off the heat and let the beans sit in the hot liquid for an hour before draining and rinsing them.  when it was time to cook them, i sweat a whole diced onion and a garlic clove in some butter, added the beans and water, and let it simmer for an hour or more, til the liquid was thick and gloppy and the beans were tender.

to make the rice, i sweat another onion, diced, with more garlic in some butter.  i added the rice and cooked it until it was translucent.  then i added water, covered the pot for 20 minutes, and then turned off the heat and let it sit for another 10 minutes.  this was one time that i really regret the fact i never measure because my rice came out a little too wet and i ended up having to cook it on a low flame to try to evaporate some of that excess moisture.  GOD DAMN sometimes i wish i would read directions.  oh well!

as for the chicken, i just rubbed it in the aforementioned spice mixture and cooked it in my cast iron skillet til it was nice and brown and crispy.

not the best picture in the world (hey - i took it on my iphone!) but YUM.  with the beans mixed in it was hard to tell the rice was a little too moist.

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